HATE these injections 💉 😒

I can't describe how much I detest these injections, so fed up of them now but today was a first for me, I actually injected myself 🥺 I put the needle in then froze before I pushed down to inject the stuff into myself.. I mean I literally froze looking at the needle hanging out 🤮🤮🤮 I've got tattoos and piercings but I hate needles with a passion 😭 think I have roughly 10 more days left of wearing these itchy horrible stockings and these stinging injections.. On the plus side, I had my first relaxing bath today after 2 weeks, oh god it was lovely, I just lay there like a corpse whilst the tap was just filling the bath with hot water around me. I closed my eyes, my body didn't move and my mind just wandered off to god knows where. I felt calm and relaxed for the first time in god knows how long, it wasn't like my usual soak where my bath is filled with bubbles, thats due to the staples only just coming out so it was just nice clean warm water. I'd love be able b...