The day before..

Hospital tomorrow, my sleeping has been worse than ever the past few days, i've been stuck in doors isolating, the weathers been horrible.. This week has just been nothing but insomnia and worry about the surgery 😭

The hospital have been amazing ringing asking how i'm feeling a few times this week, double checking everything and trying ease my worries so i'm very thankful for that.

I was up through the night last night like always but last night i had stomach ache, felt sick, it was horrible, it's got to be the nerves kicking in..

My bags all packed and ready, Zoe's made sure i've got everything i need, she's been amazing buying me things to take and getting the house all sanitized so i don't get any infections 💘 

The thought of not seeing my kids from tomorrow morning until next week is killing me, i'm never away from them, especially Jesse-John.. he's like my right arm, my shadow, my little bestie, so it's going to be equally has hard for him not seeing me as it will be for me not seeing him.

I know my dad will be by my side through the surgery 💓

Can't describe how sick i feel about tomorrow.

This week has flown 😢😢😢


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