February 20th Thursday.
It's done me so much good getting out of the house the past few days. Met up with my friends today at Just Kidding whilst the kids all played and had fun. I even talked about Jay-Dee and was able to smile. I'm so lucky to have such supportive friends around me. We talked about my sobriety and how amazing it is that even after the death of my son, I remain sober. It's not been an easy journey to be on, sobriety is hard work. I can feel myself getting stronger everyday. I've pushed myself this week to do things and I'm so glad I have. The evenings are hard, around 5:30pm Jay-Dee would usually come walking in from work and I miss having his tea ready for him. I miss everything about him. I miss his cheeky little smile he use to do, I miss washing his work clothes and having them ready on a Sunday night. I just miss my son so much. They say when a child dies you begin another life. You had the life when your child was alive and then you have to start all over again wh...