March 8th Saturday.

How lovely has the weather been the past few days. Jesse went Trentham Gardens today with Damian so I went to see my friend for a few hours. Did me good getting out of the house.
I'm going church in the morning. I just love being at church. Don't know what it is about being there but I feel like it's where I'm meant to be. At one with God.
My mental health hasn't been too bad the past few days. I feel a bit better in myself.
Jasper has come to spend the night with me so I've just ordered us some food. We always have a take away on a Saturday. 
You know, my dad and my son are on my mind all throughout the day and at night. I'm forever thinking of them both.
I was saying to my brother yesterday that it's nearly a year for Jay-Dee and it'll be 5 years this year since my dad passed away.
Where has the time gone and how am I getting through each day?
I'm going to a spiritualist event Monday night with 2 of my friends so that'll be interesting. I'm not really sure what to expect but I'll let you know how it goes.
I've been seeing Angel Numbers for a few years now, I've blogged a while back about it. I see them all the time. The main 1 I see is 11:11 which means new beginnings.
I keep thinking to myself, when will these new beginnings happen? But thinking about it, I guess new things are happening. I'm getting out of the house more, which is good. 
I can't wait until Easter Sunday when I get baptised. I'm excited but very nervous. Everyone will be watching as I get submerged into a bath full of water, I think that's why I'm nervous. People will be watching, but I can't wait to feel more connected to Jesus. 
I found faith after the death of my father, I ended up walking out of the house one day and walking into church and it was the best thing I ever did. I love my church family.


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