March 3rd Monday.

Yesterday was a better day, I went Church in the morning. 
I'm being baptised on Easter Sunday, I'm so excited but nervous at the same time.
Sick of having anxiety!
2 of my friends came in the afternoon for a few hours so it kept me busy and then last night my TV broke.
I could hear the TV but the screen wouldn't work so i had to order a new one that's coming today off Argos.
So I'm currently sat in the living room with no TV. 
I haven't taken Jesse school today as I was unsure of what time it was coming.
I've had a text saying it will be here in between 1.15 and 3.15. Then I've got work out how set it all up. God help me.
I'm not feeling to bad today.
I've got another driving lesson tomorrow so that'll be good. I hope I start getting the hang of it. I'm fine, it's just I take my foot off the clutch too fast and stall the car.
I keep telling myself that everyone started where I have and I'll be fine. It'll be my 5th lesson tomorrow. 
I'm currently doing all Jensens holiday washing he's brought home for me, so that's fun.. not.
Like I said, I'm not feeling to bad today so that's good. I have to remember I have better days, on the days I'm having a bad mental health day. 
Right I'm going carry on doing my washing and wait for my new TV to arrive.


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