February 4th Tuesday.
Had my 2nd driving lesson today and I was so close to cancelling it because of my anxiety but once again, I did it and I did better than last week. Really enjoyed it and I'm glad I pushed myself to do it. I doubt myself so much and I don't know why. Anxiety is a bitch but I just keep pushing myself. The only way to overcome my anxiety is to force myself to step out of my comfort zone.
My mate has not long left, we've had a few cups of tea and a good catch up. Today hasn't been so bad. Once again I was able to talk about Jay-Dee and not cry. I'm getting stronger everyday. I know I'm going to have my bad days, but I need to remember the better days, and push through.
What I can't understand is, where has my anxiety come from? Is it a part of grief?
It's a battle everyday to push myself to do things, but I do it because I know it will only get worse.
For somebody that wishes they were dead on a daily basis, I'm a strong person. I keep getting up everyday and I fight for my life. It really is me verses me. Only I can get better mentally and I'm trying my best.
Driving is giving me something to focus on which is good.
Anyway, today hasn't been a bad day mentally speaking.
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