December 29th Sunday.
Woke up today crippled with anxiety. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so depressed it's unreal. I just wish my life was over. I'm fed up. It's been 30 weeks without my son here with me. I'm not doing well today, I wish I was dead.
Death would be easier than living this life. I'm not thriving, I'm simply just surviving.
Sundays are a hard day.
When I woke up this morning I had to force myself to get out of bed. My body didn't want to get up but I had to for the kids.
Everything I do is for them.
It's only dinner time and I already want to climb back into my bed and stay there.
I'm going go walk my dog and get some fresh air see if that helps.
Today is a shit mental health day.
I could cry. I'm so tired of fighting to stay alive. It's draining me.
I feel trapped in this house! So tired of my mental illness I'm ready give up. I can't take it anymore. I'm tired of life.
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