July 14th 2024 6 Weeks.

Its been 6 weeks since my son passed away.. Not sure how ive made it through the last 6 weeks. Ive prayed alot, for strength to get me through each day. Ive washed my hair today, its been over a week since I last washed it. Ive just not had the energy to take care of myself. I just dont care about myself at the moment. A simple task like washing my hair seemed to much this past week, so I simply didnt do it. I guess I feel a bit better for doing it. I lose so much hair because im going through the menopause. Fuck you cancer!! but because of the amount of hair I lose, it takes all that I am to wash it. I remember when I shaved all my hair off a few days before my dad passed away, I lost my mind. The amount of times ive thought about shaving my hair off just lately is unreal. Life was so much easier with a shaved head. Anyway, what have I been upto today? Ive washed Jesses uniform, ordered a Starbucks iced latte and I tackled my hair. Doesnt seem like alot, but that is progress. I know tomorrow might be a bad day but I have to tell myself over and over, that I do have better days, so try not to kill yourself.


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