July 12th 2024
Last night I put my head in my hands and I prayed for strength, as I sat on my bed feeling a mixture of emotions.
Jesse cried last night about missing Jay-Dee and I told him he will always be with him and we'll get through this together.
I spoke calmly and held back my tears and the whole time I was talking to him, I was screaming inside.
Thats strength and that is what I prayed for.
'It was then that I carried you'.. this is a line from a poem called Footprints In The Sand.
Give it a read, its a beautiful poem and I feel that on the days I feel like I cant go on, those are the days that God carries me.
How am I feeling after collecting my sons ashes? I dont feel well today, my body feels heavy like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I cried as soon as I opened my eyes this morning. Ive never felt so lifeless.
I keep thinking to myself that im going to get through this, but, the truth is.. am I?
How am I going to get through this? How do you "get through" the death of a child?
My heart aches for my child, I feel the loss in the pit of my stomach.
I cant count the amount of times ive asked aloud, 'why?'
Why would my son do this? why would he leave me behind?
I am a broken woman.
If youve been following me since the beginning (over 3 years) youll already know that I cant come to terms with the death of my father.
Losing a child has sent me back down that black hole I was trying my best to climb out of.
I'll be honest, I dont think ill live to an old age, I dont want to.
Its taking all that I am not to self harm. I just want to slice the shit out of my wrists. I just want to fucking die!
I wont do it, im stronger than that and my children need me.
Honestly, if I didnt have children, I would of been dead a long time ago.
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