June 19th 2024 I Died Too.

Is this really happening to me, am I never going to see my son again? It's hard to take in. Why is everyone going about their business when my son has just died. Why is the world still turning when my life has stopped.
I can't even hold a conversation without my mind drifting off to thoughts about my son.
I feel lost, I feel empty and I feel numb..
My sons funeral notice will go in tomorrow's sentinel and again on the 26th.
I've managed to walk Asda after the school run this morning and buy stuff to make for tea. I didn't even want to get out of bed but I forced myself. I've not cooked for 2 weeks so I thought I'd better try for my other children.
I feel like I've neglected my mother duties because my son has died.
I'm drained. There's no life in me.
It's like I died inside but my body won't give up the fight.
I get my strength from my children, I have to keep going don't I?
I'm literally just surviving, I'm hanging on by a thread, I'm drowning and no one can see it or feel it because it's inside of me.
I died too the day my child died.


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