January 6th 2024
You dont see stars often, the sky can be dark but I dont see stars, unless im just not looking, but, tonight I found myself star gazing.
Just stud in silence, looking at the stars.
So peaceful, found myself thinking where could my dad possibly be?
You know theres not a day that goes by that I dont think of my father.
Grief is an odd thing, some times I smile when I think of my dad and some days I cry inside at the thought of never seeing him again.
Today, im sad inside.
I long to see his face looking back at me as I gaze through the window.
I ask out loud for him to send me a sign, but I get nothing.
Im filled with nothingness..
Theres a hole inside me thats so dark and empty and I know I will always feel this way until I meet my father again.
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