It's Friday and I can say i've had a better day, we all know this doesn't last long so I need to be thankful I have better days.
Been to a craft and worship group this afternoon with Jesse at school.
His little face lit up when he saw me, its times like this I have to remind myself how sad he would be if I hadn't of turned up.
Suicide would be an easy option but would devastate my children, they need me and I need them. They don't realise they save me every single day without knowing.
Considering its summer, it's pouring it down with rain, so Jesse and I are home from school and straight in our pjs.
Told my dad I miss him today, like I do everyday. I'm starting to process his death more now, I mean its been 2 and half years since he passed away so its about time isn't it?.
I don't know whats happened to me since his death, my whole world was flipped upside down. I don't rememeber the old Ann-Louise, just this new sober version i'm discovering.
Amoungst battling my demons everyday, i'm also battling sobriety, how I do it I don't really know but I am and i'm super proud of myself.
Every single day is survival of the fittest and regardless of how i'm feeling I do it for my children. I can't stress how much my 4 boys keep me going.
Today I feel truely blessed and thankful for life.
June 14th My Son Is Coming Home.
The coroner has rang today and the funeral home. My son will be getting collected from Liverpool, Monday morning. Which means I can hopefully see him Tuesday. Its Friday today. It will be over 2 weeks since I last saw my child. As a mother, my body is yearning to see my son. I just need to hold him and kiss him on his head. I feel sickness to the pit of my stomach, I'm dreading seeing my baby in a coffin, I'm dreading the funeral. This shouldn't be happening. His funeral will be July 1st at 12.15. I just feel numb. Im convinced its not my son and he'll just arrive home at some point.. I feel hollow with a sick feeling in my stomach. A few of my friends delivered me a beautiful canvas of my son this morning. What beautiful, thoughtful people I have in my life. I don't really know how I feel or what to say, I don't understand how I'm still alive. I'm lost...
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