4 days after fathers day.

Finally I feel better, Fathers Day was a massive trigger but I got through it, and the past few days. I'm always going to feel sad especially on days like fathers day, it's just something i'm going have to deal with. Anyway, i'm feeling better and for that i'm thankful. I plan on going vegan Monday (it's Thursday today), i've been vegaterian for over a year. Cutting out diary is going to be hard I think? Well I hope not anyway haha. I'll keep you all updated on my journey. I've been living sober now for over 17 months and i'm hoping that going vegan will help me mentally and physically.. Sober living is getting easier, the cravings are only now and then, where as before I was craving alcohol every weekend. It was a bad habit and I am so glad I remain sober. I want a healthy mind and body. I need to stop drinking so much coke zero, so from Monday i'm going try lots of water and lots of fruit. I've got 12 cans of coke zero left and after that, it's water... wish me luck. Take care love Ann-louise x


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