
Although my sleeping has massively improved thanks to the Olanzopine, I still have the odd night where my mind goes on overdrive, like tonight for example. Been lying in bed over an hour and just can't switch off, so thought, I know, lets tell the world how messed up your sleeping patern really is. I'm yawning but as soon as I try to sleep, boom! All these thoughts go running through my head. Some times I openly tell myself to shut up and it works but not tonight. Also, it is snowing. Can not rememeber the last time we had snow. Wonder if I have blogged about it and forgotten. The Menopause has fried my memory. I am 39 with the memory of a 79 year old dementia patient, I am not even joking. Do you know how depressing that is when half way through a conversation, I have to ask what were we talking about!! Depressing. That is


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