Coffee Mate & Sobriety
You know, the powder whitener you add to coffee, well, as you know I will be a year sober tomorrow, I can't even describe how happy I feel about being sober but I have to give a massive shout out to Costa Coffee for their instant coffee and Coffee Mate for making my coffees taste the bomb! I drink so much coffee now I am sober it's insane, so I know what tastes I like haha.
A year sober tomorrow, how did this happen..
It's not easy being sober, people look at you like you're the weird person for not drinking. Alcohol is a massive problem for some people and now I don't drink, I can see everything so much clearer. I watch people go from being happy to in the blink of an eye change into a different person and it's times like this that I am thankful for, because that use to be me. Alcohol ruins lives, it ruined all of my young adult life, I'll be 39 in 10 days, a lot of my life I have been under the influence of alcohol. I said before, it's not easy staying sober but I am here today 364 days sober and feeling very proud.
All I did this year was survive but I survived and I get to see in 2023. I hope I find happiness in 2023, the true meaning of happiness, that is all I want. I hope I don't get to the end of next year and say 'I survived' like this year because what a waste of life I am.
See you in 2023 take care xxx
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