Sunday October 9th 2022

 Today, i went to church.

The past week i've felt very connected to a higher being, if that makes sense at all?

I feel more connected spiritually to things, i should also mention, i have been listening to Shakra sounds to fall asleep to. I've probably already said but i can't remember. [i never read back what i write. It's hard enough typing when im sad.]

Anyway, i drift off to sleep so peacefully, the music and the Olanzapine are a good combo!

Since doing this, i'm remembering dreams again, ive kept a dream journal for some time [years] i find it helps when i know why im having the dream i am, and also, the meaning behind why i was able to remember it.

I feel like a path has been set for me to follow, and im finally on the right path to some sort of happiness. 



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