I guess i should talk about my unnecessary spending, it's probably because i'm stuck in my own thoughts daily, so i think i spend to take my mind off things.
Now i know, i sit and cry about the cost of living, but that still doesn't stop me ordering off Amazon Prime or out of my Catalogue. I enjoy buying thing's for other people, half the time its not even for myself, i just like making other people smile.
I'm a good person with a heart of gold, i just like making people smile because i can't smile myself. It warms my heart.
For some reason, it makes me feel better about myself when i buy for other people, that could be because i'm lonely and i just want to maybe, just give a gift and it's my way of saying 'i love you'.
I've purchased very bizare things, let me just name a few..
.Quran and Prayer matt
.5 holidays and i only went on 2
.Skates that i wore once and nearly broke my spine because my feet flew in the air and i dropped, i actually weed a bit too 😂😂
.Punch bag
The list goes on...
What you've got remember is, i don't drink alcohol anymore, so technically i'm buying gifts for others and it stops me buying alcohol.
So i may be in debt, but at least i'm still sober and that in my eyes is a win win situation.
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