I plan on going to Church this Sunday, I've spoken to the Reverend and his wife and explained that, I feel like now my Dad is above me, I feel like I'm being guided along the right path in life.
I know you're probably thinking, she's definitely lost the plot, I can 100% agree, that I most definitely have.
This is why I'm sharing it on here, instead of telling people and them laugh and talk about me behind my back.
I've not got a clue who or if anyone even reads my Blogs, so I can write on here and it's out of my system.
When I think about doing things, whether that be the Intrusive thoughts or I get the craving for alcohol, it's like I get a sign.
Whether that be an Angel Number, confirming that I don't need it or don't do it, it could be a quote I'll see, or anything really that confirms that I'm doing ok.
You're probably thinking or even speaking out loud saying 'I do hope this girls getting help'.. I am lol.
But joking aside, if I don't hold onto these beliefs I'm seeing, that my Dad is comunicating with me, these thoughts are what are keeping me alive.
I have to believe, because without belief, what do I have?
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