Angel number 666

Something happened to me this year, I had an Epiphany, I stopped drinking alcohol completely and I am still to this day sober 🙌🏼
I've been willing to try anything that might possibly lift this [Chronic Depression] weight I carry around daily. 
The same night I stated to take Olanzapine, I also started to, let's say Meditate, I purchased one of them head bands you can sleep in with flat earphones inside (Amazon), on Spotify (thanks to Damian) I've been listening to hours of [sleep therapy] calming sounds, nope not like white noise, music to unlock my Chakras.
I know what you're thinking, because I think it too.. 'has she lost her mind'
The answer is, Yes, Probably..
So anyway, these sounds of calming chimes, and, just complete soothing to the mind noises, relaxed me. 
I felt comfort from the oddly soothing sounds, I somehow felt connected but to what I'm unsure. These [beautiful] soothing sounds ontop of Olanzapine and I drift off.
Unfortunately I don't drift off like most people, when I close my eyes, i see [the only way I can describe] is spirit type face outlines.. apparently this is normal with my diagnosis and the Olanzapine will help... but anyway when I am finally asleep, I'm hitting 6 hours some nights.
You may think that isn't alot, but to me, who suffers with Insomnia, and would be lucky if I get 3 - 4 hours sleep a night, this is massive.
I've always believed in life after death, I know you don't just die, you can't, and believing this, gives me hope that my Dad is with me now.
I write alot, and in my dream journal and a few other journals, I've written meanings of everything I dream about after I research. I see alot of Angel numbers and its weird because when I read what they mean it's not what you'd think, for example, I've been seeing Angel number 666 for a while now, so like always, I research. You'd think 666 and automatically assume death..
It's so weird because last year [2021] I went to Magaluf and randomly had 666 tattooed on my leg. No reason behind it, completely random. Never really thought about it until recently, all I keep seeing is 666 and this is why 👇🏼


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