Weight Loss.

So as you already know I gave up alcohol 01/01/2022.
I'm still sober 23/08/2022.
At the begging of January I was at my heaviest I've ever been in my life 15 stone 9lbs 😭😭
I was literally eating my feelings. When I'm sad I was eating alot. I was ordering take aways because the energy I had I was using to survive. Still the same really, only now I think I may have an eating disorder. 
I've weighed in today at 12 stone 10lbs...
It's been an up and down 8 months regarding my weight but that was until I started fasting and only having a small window to eat. I calories count everything I put in my mouth and only drink water when I'm fasting so it's a clean fast.
I must step on the scales at least 4 times a day to see if I've lost any more weight.
It's not healthy, I know..
I've not left the house again for a week, I'm falling apart but trying my best keep it together. 
I do a 50 hour fast next month to raise money for Oesophageal Cancer.
I'll keep you updated.
Enjoy your day xoxo


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