It's been a while..

Not been on here for a while, I'd say the past 3-4 weeks I've hit rock bottom with my metal health.
I feel like I'm rapped in a dark hole I can't see a way out of, it's not a nice place to be.
I made a video about a week ago of just how low I was feeling & since then I watched it back & some days are hard & some days I say to myself 'get dressed & get some fresh air'..'get out of this house Ann-louise'. It really is easier said than done though!
I've started having panic attacks when doing the school run, I won't leave the house to go the shop alone. Sounds dumb right? Yeh I know but I can't stop what's happening. It's torture, this isn't living life, this is serving & trying my damn best to be "happy"
In 4 days it will be a year since my best friend, my dad took his last breath 💔 
As the year has gone on its gotten so hard to come to terms with the fact, I will never see him again until my time on earth is done...
How can I be so full of grief & not even be happy that I survived cancer this year?? How does that in itself not make me happy?!
Since I did the video clip of me at my lowest, let me just say the reason I did the video clip is so I can look back hopefully this time next year & finally be happy, but for you to see, that if you're feeling like me, you are not alone. ( I will post the clip at the end)
Since I made the clip, I reached out to my doctor who I see on the 16th November & Dove Bereavement counselling who rang me & I have an assessment on the 17th I think 🤔 with Stoke Wellbeing Services who then after the assessment will guide me down the right route of counselling for my grief that is literally killing me inside.
I'm posting this video to show how low I've been & the 2 options I had left..
Ok so it won't let me upload it Grrrrrr 🙃 
Leave it with me, I'll find a way xoxoxox


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