31 Days

31 days today i've been religiously taking multi vitamins and evening primrose oil capsules, i was advised by the consultant when he told me i had cancer to start taking the evening primrose because i'll be going through the menopause, the multi vitamins i decided to start taking because i don't eat anywhere near enough fruit and veg so thought it would help. Not sure how the evening primrose oil is meant to help if im honest but it must do something if they advised me to start taking it??

The other day i felt so positive and full of energy and yesterday and today i just feel really low, it's Monday tomorrow and i'm praying my consultant gets my results. I asked if they could just give me the results over the phone when they get them but they can't, so even more days waiting.

As much as i'd love the results to be all clear and the cancer hasn't spread, there's something niggling away inside me saying 'prepare yourself for a battle'.. i feel so low, don't know if it's how long i've had wait for the results or i'm just still drained from the surgery.

I still can't do everything i used to be able to, can't even shave my legs without hurting my stomach. If i bend too much it feels like something inside has been pulled, at least though the swelling is going down, don't get me wrong i still look and feel at least 5 months pregnant but its gone down from 9 months so its not too bad.

Just had to inject myself again, it's getting easier and theres only 3 injections left, i'm so glad, i hate them!

I stopped wearing the stockings a few days ago, yes i know i was meant keep them on until the injections finish but i'm alot more mobile now and they were making me so irritable and making my skin so itchy.. plus they're not the best of looking things to be walking around in.

I've had to force myself get out of bed this morning, i'm so tired and i don't know why. I'm on iron tablets so how can i possibly feel tired still?

Anyway, i'll be back tomorrow to let you all know if the hospital get in touch, fingers crossed for me  💘


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