Before my own diagnosis..

Early 2019, my dad was diagnosed with terminal Oesophageal cancer. Devastated didn't come close to how i felt, so god knows how my dad must have felt. He was my best friend ever..

We went through the whole journey together, Oesophageal cancer has got to be one of the worst cancer I've ever had to witness someone go through, someone i love more than anything in the world, my best friend, i couldn't do much but watch the cancer eat away at him. It was truly heart breaking.

My dad was a true fighter & his attitude was 'fuck it', we used to laugh & say you're not going any where dad you can fight this.

Knowing it was terminal, i don't think you realise how terminal it is if that makes sense until it comes to the end..

Dad didn't even look like my dad at the end.

He was given 3-4 months to live without treatment & 12-18 months with treatment, i begged him to have the treatment so i could keep my dad longer, selfish now when i think about it because if he hadn't of had the treatment he could of passed away like himself and not a shell of his old self. The chemo & radiotherapy destroyed him, he couldn't sleep, he spent days in bed really poorly, steroids he had to take made him climb the walls through the night & as we all know, night time is the most loneliest time when you're on your own..

When the end came, November 15th 2020, 1.38pm, dad was only 55 years old. He never wanted to die in hospital but that's what happened, i never left the hospital day or night & i was with him as he took his last exhale in this life.

His funeral was on his 56th birthday, December 8th 2020.. He had so many more years to live & i miss him so much.

Nearly 6 months after dad passing away.. Boom!! Cancer strikes our family again, April 21st 2021, this time it was my turn to battle this cruel disease!! 


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