
Showing posts from April, 2022

Its been a while, so here's an update..

 Swear it's been nearly 6 weeks and i'm still waiting for my MRI results 😨 So apparently.. no news is good news... let me just say that is complete and utter rubbish! I think it takes roughly 6-8 weeks for results, plus having Easter grrrrrr i could be waiting for bloody ever.. Any howwww... i am 108 sober, completely alcohol free 💓 So i decided do the Dryathlon for Cancer Research Uk in January, i raised a whopping £100 for a charity that as you know is extremely close to my heart, anyway long story short i carried the AF (alcohol free) thing on after January and here i am still sober in April 💝💝 Why? i hear you asking.  Well, my mental health got so bad, like really bad. I was having intrusive thoughts about walking in front of on coming traffic, i was drinking everyday, i guess it was like self destruct mode without even realising, the suicide thoughts were getting bad and i was wasting my weekends hungover off the binge drinking. I wont lie, it was so hard, but due to r